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MMICON + 240 x 64-bit Graphic LCD


MMICON + 240 x 64-bit Graphic LCD

  Price:  $399.00  

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The MMICON is a compact size man-machine interface control board with a 4 x 4 keyboard interface, a 240 x 64-bit graphics LCD interface, a RS-232 or RS-485 Interface, 10 isolated digital input. This control board is designed to work with a PC or PLC and implement a cost-efective man-machine interface.

PC based users can integrate an operator interface, insted of the regular monitor and keyboard. The MMICON has RS-232 or RS-485 ( Jumper Selectable) ports to communicate with PC. The PC can send out commands to change the display page or send out strings to display on the specified location. The user should need an I-7520 (RS-232 to RS-485 converter) to implement an RS-485 network. The PC can control up to 256 MMICON controllers in one 2-wire, RS-485 network.

PLC users can use digital I/O ports to communicate with the MMICON. The PLC sends the page number through digital I/O and the MMICON will automatically display the related image stored in EEPROM.

When using the OMRON PLC, one can use RS-232 to communicate with the MMI-CON port. The PLC sends the page number into the PLC internal data memory (DM). The MMICON polls the data memory constantly and displays the value of the internal data memory. The DM value can be mixed with image stored in EEPROM. The input value of the 4 x 4 keyboard can be written into the data memory. It is also suitable as a man-machine interface for PLC.

The user edits the text and paints the images using the utility in PC environment. The hex file can be programmed into the EEPROM by a regular programmer.

  • Directly connects to PC via the RS-232C port
  • Directly connects to OMRON PLC via the RS-232C port
  • Directly connects to common PLC via the isolated digital input port
  • Supports maximum 256 MMICON controller if RS-485 network used
  • 240 x 64 dots LCD interface
  • 4 x 4 Keyboard interface
  • Image stored in on board EEPROM/EPROM/ ROM


  • EEPOM size : 128K / 256K / 512K
  • Control Board Dimensions: 162mm x 70mm
  • Digital Logic Level:
    • Input Low voltage : 0 (min.) ~+1Vdc(Max.)
    • Input High Voltage : +12Vdc (min) ~ +24VVdc(max.)
  • Digital Input Impedance : 3K(Ohm)
  • Power Requirement: +10~30Vdc, 1Amp
  • LCD Display
    • LCD display dots: 240 x 64 dots
    • LCD display area: 108mm x 77mm
  • 4 x 4 Keyboard
    • (Starter Kit Only)
    • Digital Input Testing Switch

References and Support

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