Rack mount embedded controller: 256/512K flash, 256/512K SRAM, 40MHz CPU, MiniOS7 Operating System. Available in 4 & 8 slot capacity
The I-8x1x family of embedded controllers offers an ideal compromise between our I-7188 family of micro controllers, and our W-8000 series PAC controllers. The I-8000 is a flexible and robust solutions for users looking to implement a localized, rack mounted control / data acquisition solution. I-8x1x features include:
Localized, high speed paralell backplane
Equipped with MiniOS7 (ROM-DOS like OS)
Supports IPv4.
Provides full C library functions for: I-8000, I-87K I/O, 7-segment LED display, RTC (real time clock), EEPROM, and more!
Firmware can be updated via the RS-232 port
Supports "VxComm" capabilities for all COM ports (RS-232 and RS-485)
Provides a hardware serial number or an ASICKey to protect designated systems.
Compact I/O Expansion slots allow quick installation of I/O modules
Built-in watchdog circuit
Dual Bus designed to support I-8000 & I-87K series I/O modules
Advanced CAN compatibility with I-8421