WISE SMS Function

SMS Introduction

Both WISE-4000 and WISE-5801 are equipped with SMS alarm message notification function. It allows to include SMS alarm sending action into logic rules to send a pre-set SMS message to related personnel when an event occurs. In addition, WISE-5801 allows to receive the SMS commands sending by specific phones numbers to perform tasks such as real-time channel monitoring, channel data modification and logic rules execution (triggered by SMS), etc.


SMS Setting


The configuration page is shown as below:


Follow the following steps:

  1. Select from the dropdown list the numbers of SMS you want to set up.
  2. Specify the SMS identification number from the dropdown list of the “Index” field.
  3. Enter the mobile phone number you would like the message to be sent to in the “Phone Number” field. WISE SMS support sending messages to multiple phone numbers, to send a message to multiple receivers, separate the phone numbers by “,”.
  4. Input the content of the message. For multiple languages in Unicode mode, the length of the message cannot exceed 70 characters. If the Unicode mode check box is not selected, it will support English characters only (the length of the message cannot exceed 160 characters), as shown below.

  5. In addition, SMS provides an encoded string that allow user to add current channel value into SMS content. The syntax is shown as below:

    The user can also add channel value encoded string into SMS content from the I/O channel selection interface.

  6. Repeat steps 2 ~ 4. After all SMS settings are completed, click “Save” button to save the changes.

WISE-5801 offers SMS alarm message sending and SMS command receiving functions. For SMS alarm message sending function; WISE-5801 offers up to 12 SMS alarm settings. It allows to send pre-set SMS alarm to specific phone numbers. For SMS command receiving function; WISE-5801 allows to set up maximum 3 authorized phone numbers to receive SMS commands. WISE-5801 will execute the commands received from authorized phone numbers only. There are three types of SMS commands:

Retrieve real-time channel data: you can retrieve specific channel real-time data, one SMS command message can require up to 10 channel data values. To retrieve the channel data of WISE-5801, follow the following coding rules to send a SMS command to WISE-5801:


Modify channel data: WISE-5801 allows to modify output channel and Internal Register data by SMS command. Each SMS command message allows to modify one output channel or Internal Register value. Specify the output channel or Internal Register by the coding rules as described above, add a “/” at the end of the string and then add the data value you would like to change to (For DO: input 0 or 1, 0 indicates OFF and 1 indicates ON. For AO: input the value in floating point format.)

Modify SMS command variable data: WISE-5801 offers up to 12 SMS command variables. The status of the variables can be set as 0 or 1. The status of SMS command variable can be included in IF Condition as part of logic rules. You can send a SMS command message to modify the status of the variable, and then perform the execution of an Action that has been previously set.

3 types of SMS command examples are given as follow:

SMS Command Types The SMS Command
which user sends
The SMS message
which WISE-5801 replies
Retrieve real-time channel data
(Inquires the value of DI0 on XW- Board, the value of AI channel 2 on I-7000 that locates at address 1 and the value of Holding Register address 18 on Modbus RTU device that locates at address 3.)
GET ON,8.7,4.3
(Replies real-time channel data)
Modify channel data
(Modify the value on AO channel 1 on the I-7024 that locates at address 2; the value is modified to be 2.5.)
SET I-7024(2) AO Channel 1 as 2.5
(Replies that the value on AO channel 1 on the I-7024 has been modified to 2.5)
Modify SMS command variable data
(Modify the value of SMS Command variable 2 to be 1.)
SMS Command 2 set as 1
(Replies that the value of SMS command variable 2 has been modified to 1 )

In additional to edit the SMS command by command coding rules, WISE-5801 also provides an user-friendly interface for editing a SMS Quick command – a simple self-defined command string to replace the original complex SMS command(applies to Firmware v2.3 or later version). When WISE-5801 receives the SMS Quick Command, it will automatically translate it to the SMS original command, and execute the SMS command.

The SMS setting page is as follow:


Please follow the steps below:

  1. In the PIN field, input the 4 digit SIM card PIN code. If the PIN code is not required, leave the field blank.
  2. Enable the ”Enable WISE to accept SMS Command” function to start the SMS command receiving function. In the “Authorized Phone Number” field, input the phone numbers you would like to authorize to send SMS commands to WISE-5801. Please note: the Authorized Phone Number has to be input in the format: Country code, area code and number. For example, if the Authorized Phone Number is a cell phone number 0987654321 in Taiwan area, please input the Authorized Phone Number as “886987654321”.
  3. To use the SMS Quick command edition function, please click the “Setting” button in the Quick Command field, then a “SMS Quick Command Setting” Page will pop up as follow:

    Input a simple, self-defined command string in the “Quick Command” field, and then edit the original SMS command by selecting the command type and I/O channel from the dropdown list (shown as figure above) in the “Original Command” field . Press “Add” button after finishing the SMS command setting; the SMS Quick command and its corresponding SMS Original Command will be shown in the Quick Command List field. Now you can send the SMS Quick command string “DATA” (shown as the Quick Command List in the figure above) to WISE-5801, after WISE-5801 receiving the “DATA” command, it will execute its original command “GET:$m1di0,$m1di1,$m1di2,$m2ai0,$m3ao0, $ir1,’ to retrieve the DI0/DI1/DI2 channel values of I/O module (Address=1), the AI0 channel value of I/O module(Address=2), the AO0 channel value of I/O module(Address=3) and the IR0(Internal Register 0) value, and then will send back all the values to you.

    For “SET” and “ACT” SMS Command, there are two options for SMS Quick Command edition. The first option is as the second listed Quick Command on the Quick Command List (shown as figure above). The “AO” quick command replaces the original command ”SET:$m3ao0/2.3”, when WISE-5801 receive the SMS Quick command “AO”, it will set the AO channel 0 of the I/O module(Address= 3) to be 2.3. The second option is to edit the SMS Quick command “AO” to be ”SET:$m3ao0” as the SMS Original command string. In this format, when use the “AO” Quick command, it is required to append a value to the Quick command string, such as: “AO/2.3”. WISE-5801 will set the AO channel 0 of the I/O module(Address=3) to be 2.3. In this way, the output channel value can be modified flexibly as any other values by sending command like: ”AO/5.6”, ”AO/7.8”.

  4. In the “SMS Amount” field, specify the total number of SMS alarm messages you are going to use from the dropdown list.
  5. In the “Index” field, specify the SMS index number to be set up from the dropdown list.
  6. In the “Phone Number” field, input the phone numbers to receive the SMS alarm messages. The SMS can be sent to multiple receivers. Separate the phone number by “,”.
  7. Enter the content in the “Message” field. If the Unicode mode is adopted, the length of the content cannot exceed 70 characters. If the Unicode mode is not selected (support English characters), the length of the content limit is 160 characters. To quickly add a real-time I/O channel value into the SMS content, use the I/O channel selection interface (shown as figure above) to add the I/O channel value encoded string into the SMS content.
  8. Repeat steps 4~ 6. After all SMS alarm settings are completed, click “Save” button to save the changes.

SMS Rule Setting

SMS Command Condtion:

Identify the variable of SMS Command to be 1 or 0, if the result matches the evaluation criteria, the Action will be executed.

Coil Output Operator Description Condition Statements
SMS Command variable of Index N 0 Identify if the variable of SMS Command is 0 continue to be TRUE when the status matches the criteria
1 Identify if the variable of SMS Command is 1
‧WISE-4000 doesn’t support SMS Command function.

SMS Alarm Action:

Users can send SMS Alarm in the Action statement.

SMS Action Description Execution Type
SMS Alarm index N Send Send SMS One Time

SMS Application Example


Scenario Example Document

Assume a WISE-4000 controller is used in a water level monitoring system of a water reservoir. When the water level sensor detect the water level has been reached 75 unit, the WISE controller will automatically send out SMS to inform the related personnel regarding the current water level in real time.


Graphic Illustration



Scenario Example Document

The following scenario assume using WISE-5801 controller in a greenhouse environment monitoring application. The WISE-5801 is connected to an I-7019R and an I-7061D remote I/O modules. The AI channel 0 on I-7019R will read the room temperature and the DO channel 0 and 1 on I-7061D are connected separately to the air conditioning equipment and sprinkler. The DO channel 2 on I-7061D is connected to the lighting system which is used to prolong the sun exposure. When the room temperature is higher than 40 ℃, the WISE-5801 will send a SMS message with the real-time temperature value to the operator. The operator could turn on/off the air conditioner and sprinkler with SMS command. In addition, the operator could also review the number of time the air conditioner and sprinkler being turned on and control the lighting in real-time when appropriate.


Graphic Illustration